Sunday, January 11, 2009

When in England...It's Red, Yellow, Green, not Green, Yellow, Red.

Did you know that in England, the yellow light comes after the green light, to tell drivers that they're almost ready to go, rather than warning they have to stop soon? Someone also decided that pedestrians needed the help (I do!) and on many streets, they wrote 'Look Right', 'Look Left', or 'Look both ways' to tell us where to direct our head to observe for oncoming cars.

Classes start tomorrow, and I still have no internet in my room--I'm currently at the British Library using their wireless. The British Library is HUGE, and perhaps when I start actually taking pictures, I'll put one up. I've also discovered that my username and password is not working, so I can't even sign up for the courses I am interested in.

I've figured out most of my classes, but there's a conflict between two courses I'm interested in, and I'm so conflicted! Choosing courses is so complicated.


  1. in china, yellow comes before green as well. sometimes, there's even a countdown for the red light.

  2. I've seen the countdown before--I love that, because it tells me exactly how long I have.

  3. We had the yellow-before-green in Scotland, too! It served more as a warning to pedestrians than anything else, haha. Drivers tended to take it to mean that you can go unless there's someone crossing the road, in which case it might be good for you to /try/ not to hit them.

  4. Yea, I'm starting to get that impression about our lights as well...
