Monday, January 12, 2009

When in England...Curry is the Food of Choice, Not Fish and Chips

First day of classes, and I'm a little overwhelmed! It's such a big school, so there are so many students! I'm too used to the small school environment, and I'm a little surprised by how disorienting it feels to no longer be in that type of environment. You need a card to get into every building, and half the places in the building, and oftentimes, you need the card to get out as well.

Oh, right--the password problem I had earlier? Turns out that I thought the first two digits were not part of the password, and that's why I couldn't access anything. I had an idiot feeling for a little while after that.

As for classes, if I take the four classes I just signed up for, I have no class on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday for the next five weeks, and still no class on Wednesday the entire term. Because I'm the sort of person that wouldn't know what I would do with all that free time, I'm trying to take a fifth class, but it's proving difficult. If they don't let me take it, I might ask if I can audit it, because it sounds really interesting--it's called Sex, Genes, and Evolution.

Finally, on one last note--it seems a go for working with that professor to do research, so yay!

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